Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This birthday thing must have made me a bit nostalgic. Things are changing in Poland, my native country. It is for better for a lot of people, earnings are higher (by ~300% since I have been there)

Not like that makes me want to go back for good but I am glad that for many Poland is attractive again. I will soon be here almost as long as long I lived consciously in Poland (excluding the first years where we all basically poop in diapers and cry all the time) I am not moving back to something I knew but does not exist anymore (and frankly not sure if the new thing is that much better or better at all)

Anyway, there are some things that we, the Polish people, will always remember about our old Poland. Here is a short part from a Polish comedy "Nic Smiesznego" (Nothing Funny)

And right below a picture of my mother and her house (no more) with the same super car. FYI, it is Fiat 126p, originally designed in Italy in the 1970's and very very popular in Poland. It was produced in Poland under Fiat license. Under Communism one draw a ticket that determined how long one had to wait in line for it. (You still had to have money to buy it, the wait for in addition ... sort of like Prius not so long ago)

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