Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our new house

Polska Wersja (Polish Version of this entry)

Since August 20th 2009 we live in new house. Well, it is not 'new' just new for us. The house was actually build in 1930's so there were lots of old things we (I :-)) needed to change. We are making progress. With face-book and nasza-klasa (Polish equivalent of classmates) I realize this blog is missing lots of info about this new undertaking that takes most of my energy and time. So here you will find some photos related to this project (not necessarily in order at the beginning ... I organize them one day ... think of it more like archive of pictures related to our new 'nest')

Those pics summarize nicelly our ongoing inside struggle ...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Xstmas Shopping Orgy

Xstmas Shopping Orgy started again ... and the 'deals' are great!

I mean, obviously to make a gift you need a "deal" on super expensive top of the line things like Blue-Ray player ...

What, you though gifts are some 'symbolic gesture of appreciation'? Like you could buy someone say scarf for 20 dollars and that would be enough? What you are in some developing country with 11% unemployment or something?

Did you not get the memo this year again that Christmas is a national anti-terrorist campaign in which it is your national duty to shop expensive things that normally you would never think about with 10% discount on those super expensive things because without this campaign this country will fall into another ... Mozambique (no harm feeling Mozambique, just could not think of anything else)

Common man, 2/3 or national economy depends on you. You think we call "Black" Friday because of political correctness or something? We keep the dam malls open whole year to lose money only so during last month we can make some profit ... that is a nice model right?

But just one word of advice, don't buy longueur based on Victoria Secret adds. The girls don't come with the panties ... unfortunately of course. If they would, I would really really love Christmas! :-)