Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Psychological Projection

Yesterday Sen. Larry Craig (Republican) was on the news. He was allegedly caught by policemen in a gay sting at some airport bathrooms. I am not sure of course that he is guilty but what strikes me in this situation is something different.

Most of us have some kind of weakness and I will focus on man here as I am one. It may be alcohol, sex (promiscuous also), drugs, laziness, obesity, nervousness along with abusive behavior towards wife and/or children, gambling, pornography, etc.

Whatever it is, most of us know this and try to control ourselves with better or worse results. Most of us, however, DO NOT preach about how all other people but me are so terrible and how sinful such activity is.

So why the Senator was so strongly voicing his concerns about Gay while only a naïve person would still think he isn’t one. I mean c'mon! Man up there will understand.

No man one pleads guilty to charge of being gay if they are not. For us man the idea of guy love is very vulgar. We, the man, we really, really like women for sex purposes. We really, really enjoy sex with women and if not for all the societal barriers and/or being in love and wanting to be treated with respect, trust, etc., we could have sex with different women every day

So when some Policemen in the bathroom would accidentally misread my signals and wrongly accused me of being gay and looking for gay sex in that place, I can tell you I would not plead guilty for this thing just to go away. I may not be a senator but I have a respectful job, family, friends, etc. I do not want to plead guilty for something I am not, for crimes that not only did not enter my mind but I would not do even if you pay me.

Why then this Senator was so avidly and openly bushing Gays before

I was watching Saturday Nigh one day and some sketch was about why so and so was so creative in his life. He, the actor that played that person on SNL was already looking a bit drugged and said "LSD is a powerful drug man, powerful drug"

Projection is a powerful thing my friend, powerful thing

In psychology, psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism in which one attributes to others one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses/desires without letting the ego recognize them. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud, and for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as "Freudian Projection" [1][2]"

Source - Wikipedia. Maybe, however, we are all guilty of some projecting

PS. Let me clarify something here. Gay sex is not a crime! Gay people are fine and the same as others. God blesses you all! (Otherwise, take your God away from me please) To do it in public bathrooms is an "offense" just it would be between man and women. The biggest crime here is of course the hypocrisies of "Evangelical Christian so-called Values" ... maybe it is time to let people live and have sex with whoever they want and in general get the hell out of someone's life as it is none of your (dam) business?

1 comment:

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