Saturday, August 25, 2007

Where are the shamisms man?

This blog was named to be 'priceless statements of the village's genius', shamisms for short. So it is finally time to get into it. This entry will be devoted to such statements and I encourage you to submit some to me. I'll post them. This post will grow overtime.

Requirement for shamisms - they must be relatively short, the shorter the better. Think bumper stickers. Also, I will occasionally post some other nice short statements that are not mine but I subscribe to them.
(Photo: "Man, there just nothing on those 2 black & white]government-run channels available only from 5pm to 11pm. 1970-1990")
  1. If Americans are as religious as they claim then the best way to fight diabetes would be to change that disease's name to gluttony
  2. (same as above but shorter) God Bless Gluttony America
  3. W
    World Worse Weak Wrecked Wacky War-of-choice-loving WIMP!
  4. If only Native Indians have built the wall (My Bumper Sticker. Source: cafe express)
  5. Pro-Life does not end at birth (My Bumper Sticker. Source: cafe express)
  6. Annoy conservative who says "annoy liberal, work hard and be happy" by working hard AND smart, thinking, demanding fairness and justice and being happy
  7. Don't forget to shop after Sunday's church. It makes Jesus happy to see you spending ... 2/3 of the country he blessed depends on it!
  8. 1/3 of USA GDP is thanks to government activity (state and federal). Say capitalism! Great, again, no regulations!
  9. What does nothing look like? (Internet)
  10. Best way to promote Soccer in USA would be to establish Soccer World Series. Whoever wins then will be Champion of the World. (By default -> USA team)
  11. Pride is a sin! Study the bible more carefully!

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