Monday, October 22, 2007


If I was still in Poland, I would have voted over this past weekend. (And it is too dam far to Chicago) Liberal party won yesterday over “assertive foreign policy and traditional Catholic values” and “skeptical approach to the European Union”.

“Civic Platform says it will repair Poland's strained ties with Germany and other EU neighbors. It also wants strong ties with the US but Mr Tusk has vowed to withdraw 900 Polish troops from the US-led coalition force in Iraq.” (

Liberal opposition to “it is my way or the highway” (sounds kind of familiar to some other little cowboy’s speeches from the past?) won and turnout was the highest recorded in Poland since communism fell in 1989.

That reminds me of my old days in Poland. That’s when I voted first and last time. I remember how annoyed my corporal was (don’t remember his name) when he had to assist “kot” (cat – that’s how they called young soldiers during basic training), the only solider who expressed willingness and desire to go and vote. I voted for Lech Walesa of course at that time. (Want to get to know how the L. Walesa happened? Watch "Strike")

Here is the only picture I have where you can see his left shoulder. Wonder what he is doing today? He wasn’t a bad person. He did what was expected from him during basic training but deep down he was good, he treated us well although I probably would have not said that a few times when I had to clean the bathroom for the 5th time at 2 a.m., and often with a toothbrush … you know, the typical basic training things.

So good luck Poland. You need the money from Germany and France, and uncle George ... well, even the conservatives do not like him anymore (and don't ask the Turks ....) so don't expect much from here. Smart move going against those who do not like Europe. And good lesson I guess that as a young new member, perhaps a bit more conciliatory tone during EU debates would be ... smarter ... and also appropriate and tactful?

Just a thought? Treat your neighbors well, live and let live?

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